Balancing finances and obtaining a job is one of the hardest things a person with low-income can accomplish. Flourishing Families believes that with training and one on one help from knowledgeable experts, we can assist those individuals who truly want to see a change in their current lives. Our calendar shows all of our classes that are available to low income and homeless individuals. For information on a class, please select it from the calendar. If you are planning to attend, please register for the class.
Meet our Professionals
Calendra Blanks and Canadra Jenkins
Calendra Blanks is an Alumni of Austin Peay State University. She received her Bachelors of Science in Psychology as well as her Bachelors of Science in Accounting at Austin Peay State University. She also received her Masters of Business Administration. Calendra is currently seeking a second Master's in Non-Profit Management and aspires to obtain a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. As the founder of Flourishing Families, Calendra aspires to decrease the homeless rate, unemployment rate, and divorce rate in the United States.
Canadra Jenkins will be an Alumni of University of Maryland. She received her Bachelors of Science in Sociology. She will also receive her Master's in Non-Profit Management. She aspires to receive her Doctorate in Sociology. As the founder of Flourishing Families, Canadra aspires to help people find affordable housing, affordable childcare, and rehabilitate people who are willing to work hard for a change in their life. Her passion is to help all people.